New Way Of Selling

You’ve heard me say hundreds of times; the number one skill of an entrepreneur is sales. But is that still true today?

In the old days, an entrepreneur would go door-to-door; selling, overcoming rejection and pouring their heart out to potential clients. We could never stop selling. Every person we met became a potential customer. Every relative or friend became a possible buyer. It was exhausting. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.

What if sales make you nervous? What if talking to people fills you with dread? Will my inability to deal with people make me a bad salesperson? Maybe that’s the wrong question. Instead, ask yourself, “What’s a different way for me to sell?”

I may have the perfect answer for you. A NEW WAY to get educated, a NEW WAY to start your own business from home and a NEW WAY TO SELL. For the first time ever, I am recommending a FREE COURSE from one of my coaches.

This is selling through your computer. No banging on doors, no need for high- energy charisma, no cold calling, no face-to-face high-pressure selling. This is the NEW WAY TO SELL that ANYONE with a computer can do.


Patrick Capiña,

Author, Offline MLM To Online MLM - The Smart Shift

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